Welcome to My Practice
As an advanced CranioSacral and Somatic Trauma Therapist, educator and professional Life Coach, I specialize in helping you lighten up and find freedom from old negative patterns.
My approach is simple yet profound, coaxing the BodyMind to recover at its own pace. These techniques are gentle and work in sync with one’s inherent ability to heal.
I am continually amazed by our enormous capacity to restore wellness despite the traumas and insults to the human condition. We are able to recover because our minds and bodies are programmed for renewed balance. It is my great pleasure to be your fellow traveler as you reclaim your innate ability to heal and liberate your authentic self.
Carmel, IN office serving Greater Indianapolis area.
People Are Saying…
"Several years ago, I happened to meet Diane and chat a bit when she was on the faculty of The National Holistic Institute, where my son was a student. I wondered, 'Who is that remarkable, friendly, peaceful and upbeat woman?' Over time I learned that she was a favorite instructor for many of the students, and I decided to visit her for a first appointment to help me deal with a variety of stressful issues in my life. I had several sessions that included Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Therapy and no doubt other techniques. It was really quite remarkable and unlike other approaches I had tried. I found it very helpful and intriguing. Diane is someone who is very easy to talk to and be honest with. I am a hypnotherapist and EFT practitioner and over the years, I have encouraged friends and clients to work with her. Highly recommend!”
Hypnotherapist and EFT Practitioner
Professional Services
As a practitioner in Somatic Trauma Therapy--sometimes called BodyMind therapy--I offer a broad menu of skills designed to resolve the effects of trauma, loss, fear, injury and pain and restore full capacity. Together we will personalize your treatment program to fit your specific goals. Using your body awareness, we "log-on" to your dormant strengths and resources to relieve the discomfort in both body and mind and gently retrieve your natural wellness. Some essential tools include:

Somatic Experiencing®
Somatic Experiencing works mentally and physically. It is gentle, non-threatening and very effective in replacing old limitations with healthy shifts in awareness. These new BodyMind connections free up restrictive patterns in thinking and …

Emotional Freedom Techniques
EFT is also called “tapping” because it involves lightly tapping your fingertips on the side of your hand and various acupoints on the face and torso. A combination of the newest neuro-science and Acupuncture meridian energy flow, EFT …

Medical QiGong
Medical QiGong is yet another gentle, effective way to help the body and mind become more balanced and restore health. As a Medical QiGong practitioner, I use breathing, movement and imagery to enhance the special needs of a client. Just as …

Professional Life Coach
Anyone who wants to change one’s life will benefit from having a Life Coach. I hold several certificates from the College of Executive Coaching and see coaching as an action oriented, step-by-step process that enables you to discover your …

CranioSacral Therapy
CST is also a very gentle, light, hands-on method to relieve discomfort, injury, post-surgery, learning problems, emotional issues, migraine, sinusitis, immune problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalia, disorders of the muscular, skeletal and nervous …
Inspired By…
“. . . as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear and pain, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Nelson Mandela, Inaugural speech. 1994
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Somatic Trauma Therapy?
A: Somatic refers to "body" and trauma therapy studies and treats our mental and physical make-up. Somatic Trauma Therapy is synonymous with BodyMind Therapy, or the BodyMind Connection. I work with body and mind together, two intertwined parts of a whole person. Since it's absurd to point to an anatomy chart and say, "there's the mind," it's evident that mind is everywhere in the body.
Q: What is trauma?
A: The Diagnostics Statistics Manual say's "trauma is caused by a stressful occurrence that is outside the range of normal human experience... a serious threat or harm to one's self, loved ones or others, sudden destruction of one's home or community, seeing another person who is or has recently been injured or killed...." Peter Levine, Ph.D. explores trauma further in his book, Waking the Tiger,
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Q: My trauma happened years ago; is it too late to heal it now?
A: It's never to late to work through the effects of old trauma, even if it happened at birth or prenatally. Remember that we're all "wired" biologically to survive and prevail after virtually all kinds of trauma. My work involves helping people find that basic, fundamental instinct we all possess and reconnect it in our present lives so that we can enjoy life more and enrich our relationships.
Q: How does Somatic Trauma Therapy differ from “talk” psychotherapy?
A: Somatic Trauma Therapy acknowledges the body's powerful role in healing the mind. Since many emotional issues are in the subconscious mind, and/or the BodyMind where our instinct for well-being resides, we use the body's experience, such as sensation, tension, numbness, etc., to help de-activate old old trauma patterns.
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Q: When would someone need a Life Coach?
A: Coaching helps anyone interested in improving any aspect of their life. Coaching empowers any person or group that is dissatisfied with what it has, is or does and wants more. Working with a Life Coach can greatly benefit and enlarge your highest abilities and purpose in your professional, personal, emotional, spiritual and physical life. Weekly phone sessions for a minimum of three months,
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Q: What is CranioSacral Therapy?
A: CST, a light, deeply relaxing and revitalizing hands-on technique is both subtle and profound. Clients often feel relaxed and energized as a result of CST treatment. CST goes directly on the nervous system, to reverse the signals that tell us we're in pain, stressed or debilitated in some way. CST works at our core--our brain, spinal cord and fluid, cranial and vertebral bones, connective tissue,
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People Are Saying…
"Dr. Diane is an amazing and gifted therapist, coach, artist and person, which is why I have worked with her over a 15 year time span. Her integrity, skill, intellect and wit can assist you inunfolding any challenge. Dr. Diane is always growing, learning and exploring new modalities; tools which result in the many treasures she is able to offer her clients."
Marketing Executive in the Food Industry